Saturday, May 3, 2008

Held Loosely In The Arms Of No One

Lips burdened.
Eyes hidden behind fences of skin
walls of fear.
I touch you like imprisoned humans touch
& nothing more.
Buried in the losses of the past
sustaining only for losses of the future.
I am yours to create
yours to destroy.
I ask only, for you to be gentle.
Hands that leak of hesitation -
arms, legs, escaping in near perfection
the oblique realms of tiny scavengers.
The tune you whisper so freely is a pleasant one.
Still, I have heard better.
Teased in fiery display of movement
w/out conscious effort for control
sound w/out use for words
I forfeit the promise I swore to keep
& become father to your pain
mother to your desires,
a groping prince of need.
There's more to life than life itself
or so I will say
when the monster's breath
is dark & heavy
& I am held loosely in the arms
of no one.

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